Claude Laviano photography
Tango Toning & Technique (on hiatus)
If you want to take your technique to the next level, this class is for you! This class is dedicated to improving YOUR dance, so that when you dance with someone, you bring the most that you can to your half of the couple.
Although the class is weighted towards follower technique, those of you who want to become good leaders will find that the same work applies to you! Everyone is welcome, even total beginners. Everyone is working at their level, and I can adapt what we are doing to make it more basic—or more advanced—for each dancer.
The class has a brief warmup. After that, we do drills focusing on balance, alignment and building strength for your dance. Depending on who comes to class, we might work on: walking, adornos, pivoting, free leg work (boleos, ganchos, etc.).