It's the first week of the month, so it's private lesson give-away on Thursday! Come try your luck!
Theme of the month
August will be dedicated to incorporating useful/fun moves into our dance, focusing on the transitions between moves: what I call micropivots, microadjustments, Body English--the stuff we don't tend to talk about, but that every dancer needs to use!
Class schedule
7 PM Thursdays (beg. & up) @ Om Studio, 14 NE 10th PDX
Medialunas, ocho cortados & other changes of direction
Fundamental moves that need little tweaks to help them do their best navigation work
Follower and leader microadjustments that help balance and connection
8 PM Thursdays (int. & up) @ Om Studio, 14 NE 10th PDX
Let's look at ways for the leader and follower to help each other make the dance FEEL better!
More challenging turn combos & ocho cortado off-shoots that only work with Body English
Follower challenges: maintaining balance and grace when you don't know what is being led
Beaverton Tango Wednesday noon class
(@ Global Art of Dance, 12570 SW Farmington Rd.)
Using adornos as a functional tool in the follower toolkit to solve balance problems
Making your dance REALLY DANCE instead of just following
Fixing your alignment AND YOUR PARTNER’S in subtle ways to make the dance better
Put the classes on your end-of-summer To Do list, and come dance with us!