Focus on the process in order to progress

We are going to get to dance together at some point, but right now it feels like it has been forever since we got to dance at a milonga. Instead of stressing out about when we get to dance again, this week, let’s enjoy the process of feeling our own balance, dance, musicality—improve and consolidate!

Tuesday 6:30 PM lesson: back everything

This week, the Tuesday class will focus on the process of moving in back steps, back ochos and back boleos; adornos that happen in those steps; and looking at how you can hone your process for different music to work better overall. In real life, we do not move backwards much, so we have few bad habits to unlearn. However, as it is scary to move the direction your eyes cannot see as well, we have a lot of little dance habits to polish out for moving elegantly and with balance! Join us!

Friday noon lesson: front everything

On Friday, we will look at the other direction: walking forward, forward ochos, forward boleos, and adornos that work in forward movement. The process of moving forwards in tango can be tricky because we have habits from normal walking that sometimes cancel out our efforts to be on balance here. Also, anything we don’t get to on Tuesday will be added in on Friday, as we have time. Join us!

Where is side everything?

Yes, since there are only two group classes, I still have one more direction to move. We will probably do that next week, but don’t hold your breath! Teaching in lockdown is also a process, and sometimes we head off in a new direction in class that requires me to move along with you!

Or—you can practice that on your own!

Trust the process!

I personally started life as a very product-oriented being, but tango has taught me a lot about process. We do not know what the product of our tango work—or this lockdown—will be, and we need to let go of worrying about that right now and dance where we are, in front of our Zoom computer screens. I have seen so much progress BECAUSE of what one of my students called “enforced practice” of lockdown solo dancing! I can honestly say that every single one of you I see for group and private lessons has improved immensely this year. Trust that process! You are becoming more musical, more balanced, more elegant, more skilled dancers through your focus this year on process.

See you in class!