Jose arrives in just over a week! For those of you who have studied with Jose before, you know how much sheer tango information he holds in his body from almost forty years of tango. In December, I studied with Jose in Argentina, and I look forward to more study time next week!
One thing I really appreciate about Jose’s teaching is his willingness to explore an idea with me. For example, I am working in my technique to apply more power to my lead AND more control, so that I can add speed or put on the brakes more dynamically, while helping the follower maintain their axis. This is all about timing, and Jose helped me in just a brief time to improve my ability to apply what I already understood. I could feel it working for about a month after I returned home, and I need another booster shot of coaching to find it again.
Classes with Jose
All of Jose’s workshops from 7-10 March are all levels classes. That does NOT mean that advanced dancers do not benefit from the classes. I like the fact that Jose can pose an extra layer of challenge so that I am learning as well as helping him; he can provide that for you, too!
Remember: it is OK to walk out of a class and wonder how you are going to remember everything. Most people retain 10-15% of a class. My group classes will review the workshops in the coming months, helping you to implement the innovative ideas and material in your dance.
Private lessons
Jose is a fun individual instructor. When I first studied with him in 1999, I had never learned so much in an hour’s class. He was such a talented follower that he could show me how my leading was affecting his dance, and he helped me solidify a deep love of milonga into a strong ability to lead it.
If you would like to sign up for private lessons, please contact me by email, phone, or my contact page on the website. Payment will be directly to Jose by cash or check. The cost: $150/1, $280/2, $390/3, $480/4 lessons. That is the cost for one person or for one couple.
Advanced small group lessons
If there is enough interest, there will be additional advanced classes BUILT ON THE OTHER WORKSHOPS Sunday and Monday nights 10-11 March. These are not stand-alone classes, but a continuation. We need at least four couples to schedule these workshops (right now, there are two). If you plan to attend the other workshops and have someone you would like to partner into a deeper dive into technique/collaboration/etc., please contact me ASAP. I will schedule exact times in consultation with the couples.