Jose Garofalo workshops in March!

Yay! Jose!

Man standing with fist raised facing the horizon with an overlay of fire

I am happy to announce that Jose Garofalo will be back in Portland March 12-20, 2025! This round of workshops will cover the style and sequences of Tete Rusconi, Pupi Castello and Omar Vega, three great dancers who are no longer with us. I studied extensively with Tete and with Omar, but only studied for a short time with Pupi, so I too am excited to learn new material.

The three main workshops will cover this material, and then the advanced partner workshop will build on those classes (so grab someone else from the workshops and come together!). If you are unable to attend all of the classes, try to make the Thursday night class (workshop #1), along with his stand-alone class at Las Naifas on Friday.

The carrot on the stick

If you look at the flyer/registration, you will notice that the advanced class is $50/person. This is not a typo. We hope you will attend ALL the classes that build up to it so that the advanced class CAN be advanced. Even advanced dancers will benefit from the regular workshops—I would be taking them if I were not helping Jose—so advanced means building on the material already covered. If you buy the entire package, everything is $140 for the workshops ($30 discount, so the advanced class is $20/person in that case).

Las Naifas March 14th

Jose will not only teach the class before the milonga ($15 for class, $15 for milonga), but he will also DJ for us. We are excited to have him. If you were not at our performance last year at Berretin, or if you went home early, you missed fun music sets at the end of the evening. One set had not yet been released—an advantage of having a DJ who is friends will current tango musicians in Buenos Aires :-) Expect traditional music from current bands as well as the old recordings.

Carrying the tradition, creating the new

Jose has danced tango for forty years. He was part of the Tango Nuevo crowd in the early 1990s but also studied with the old milongueros. He has an amazing capacity to capture the feeling of each dancer and dance style in his body and transmit that information. He is part of a group of dancers in Buenos Aires who dedicate themselves to preserving and documenting the dance styles and sequences from the old masters while at the same time creating the current tango.

You cannot afford to miss what he has to offer.

The registration is up!